Sunday, 13 January 2019

Are Your Kids Going to College?

Transitioning from one stage of life is pretty tough, especially when we all get in a comfortable, easy routine.

Let’s take your kids and their high school lives, for example. It’s initially pretty scary for them (and especially you). Freshman year is quite tough for them, but sophomore year is hard on you because they’ll be driving. But by the time their final two years kick in, both of you are comfortable where life sits. A routine develops. All is well.

That is, until the end of their senior year comes around. Then it’s a brand new cycle all over again. They’ll be moving out to attend a college or pursue a new job, most likely. You’ll be worried about them as they’re now out of your reach, out of your home and protection. They’ll be both worried and excited about the possibilities that college brings. It’s a cycle that you can’t prevent.

But prevention is something you can take care of when it comes to financial security. During these cycles, these stressful times that may also stress your bank account, you can do one major thing that will help protect your spouse, kids, or other loved ones: you can get on a life insurance plan.

This is something you may have been putting off for awhile, but I’m here to tell you that you shouldn’t wait any longer. Think of your kids. Some of (if not a lot or all) of their higher education may be paid by you. But if something were to happen to you, how would they get by? How would they afford college without going severely into debt like so many of today’s youth?

By acting now and having a plan in affect, you can prevent this sort of financial disaster of a scenario. Because having a life insurance policy is like having that policy’s amount right in your back pocket. You’ll never have to use it so long as things are going well. But if disaster strikes, at least that money will go to your kids or spouse to keep everything afloat and in order.

Even though your kids are this age, having an insurance policy to protect your life and the financial security of your family is essential, so it’s not too late to act accordingly and get your backup plan in order. Do it for your family. Do it for your kids.

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